Our Motto



Our Motto

Our Motto 

At MG School for Excellence, we aim that the child should be able to:

  • Fulfil their potential in all aspects of school life.
  • Develop a sense of respect for themselves and for others.
  • Develop habits of Self-discipline and Responsibility.

The Mission of our School is depicted in our School Emblem.

  • The SUN represents God, the creator, protector and the source of guidance behind our school.
  • The FLOWER represents the student, who grows with the grace of God with the guidance of their teachers and parents.
  • The TWIN LEAVES stand for the partnership between the home and school in the development of the child.
  • The STEM holding up the entire flower represents the school's Philosophy, Vision and Mission, which is the foundation of the entire school.
  • The STRIPED portion represents the levels of development the student undergoes to achieve the optimum mastery of his potentials.
  • The CANDLE standing for light of wisdom stands upon a BOOK, which signifies learning and knowledge.
  • The school motto “FREEDOM THROUGH EDUCATION” is placed opposite to the Sun stating the school's basic Philosophy.

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